Monday, May 13, 2013
Project 6: Blender Self Portrait
I think of this as named something like "Homage to Doing Things Elsewhere" or "Doing Other Things" cos I did it late, and instead of doing the things I should, I played Minecraft. It is a block dinosaur, and is based on a napkin doodle I drew of myself as a dinosaur while eating shwarma.
I make cartoon doodles of myself a lot, and I chose this one because me and Lizzy already got the idea of a dinosaur Mikki for this project. The blocks thing come from the New Aesthetic reading, where I really like the sculptures artists who made 3D pixel and voxel sculptures of objects and animals, and from Minecraft. I really dig Minecraft.
I made the dinosaur by arranging tons of the same sized blocks, as if I were to make it in Minecraft. It's not colored, which adds to the low-res look and I think makes it seem more structural, rather than organic. Since it is made up of the same shape just copied and moved around, I have become a lot more familiar with navigating and moving objects in Blender. I like Blender, and really want to keep practicing with it, and learn all the different things it can do. For a free program, it's pretty swell.
Project 7: Digital You in Second Life
So with the limited capacity of the computer I was using for project 7, I could only explore some places, and only for so long. But, the exploring I did do is what I would do irl. I spend a lot of time wandering around and looking at stuff, spacing out.
In relation to Project 6, there isn't much linkage here, since my project 6 is a block Mikkisaur. I could emulate that in second life, with an outfit, but I did Mikki things.
The first place I went to was Hobo Amusement Park. After getting run over by taxis a couple of times, I took the tour and then ended up by this sign. Free T-shirt? I'm on board. Help the Hobos, guys.
Then I went to a place that promised puzzles, but I went to look at things. There were these polyhedrons spinning in a hole I fell down. They look dangerous. But digital Mikki is interested.
The only sci-fi/fantasy place I could get to was this nice forest, apparently it's a nice place for couples? Those flying things make me think of kites, Also, dragons. I love kites and dragons.
The one on the right is probably the most representative picture of myself here. Feeding the loons, laying by a pond and watching them paddle around. I only do this ALL THE TIME irl.

After all the watching and daydreaming, I wanted to dance. While I don't go to clubs, or out really ever, I do enjoy me some silly dancing, and the clubs in second life have those neat dance orbs full of free dances. I'm all over free access to dancing.

I needed a "how does ____?" picture somewhere of me failing at using a mundane object. It was bound to happen.How does chair?I got the chair to work, but couldn't stop dancing. That's alright, I dance sitting in chairs as much as standing up.
So, these are self portraits of my digital second life self doing things that I would do if I could get to the places. Just doin' my thang, chillin' and watchin' and dancin'. She also has a hoodie, chucks and hair just like me. If I had the use of my own computer, I would a fantasy self, probably space-pirate related, what hangs out in the fantasy and/or combat areas, looking for drinks.
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